First Step

Take the first step to living your best well-dressedLife

Thanks for stopping by. If you feel like you’ve lost your sparkle It’s time step out of the shadows and into the spotlight and become the best dressed version of yourself.

By being here you have taken the first step to learning about how life can be transformed by being well dressed.


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Meet Gemma

I’m Gemma, the face behind the WHAT TO WEAR YouTube channel, where I’ve been educating and encouraging women to become the best dressed versions of themselves since 2018

I’m Gemma, the face behind the WHAT TO WEAR YouTube channel, where I’ve been educating and encouraging women to become the best dressed versions of themselves.

I’m Gemma, the face behind the popular YouTube channel WHAT TO WEAR , where I’ve been educating and encouraging women to become the best dressed versions of themselves since 2018.Being well-dressed doesn’t mean you need to don head-to-toe designer labels nor does it mean you have to be outfitted in a dress or skirt everyday all day If you want to learn how becoming a well dressed woman can transform your life Learn how to use clothes and accessories to become the best dressed version of yourself.


A Quiz What to wearHere

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Deciding what to wear made Easy

Deciding What to Wear made easy