DIY Avocado face mask

DIY At-Home Face Mask

Here’s a gorgeous DIY at-home face mask for you to try. It’s made with all-natural ingredients and is a lovely treat for your skin, leaving it fresh and glowing.


To make the face mask, you’ll need four ingredients:

  • lemon
  • runny honey
  • natural live yoghurt
  • ripe avocado

We’ll be using all parts of the avocado—the flesh, the stone, and the skin—so none of it will go to waste.

Preparation and Application

Start by cutting the avocado in half and removing the stone, but keep it because we’ll use it later. Scoop out the flesh of half the avocado and put it into a bowl. Then add the yoghurt, runny honey, and lemon juice, and mash it all together until it forms a paste. Try to get it as lump-free as possible, but it’s fine if there are a few lumps.

Before applying the mask, take the skin of the avocado and gently exfoliate your face using the inside of the skin. Use small circles all over your face and neck, but be very gentle as it’s coarser than you might think. This will prep your skin for the mask.

Now for the fun part—smooth the avocado paste all over your face, and you can put it on your neck and throat as well if you want. I use my fingers because I find it easier, but you can use a brush if you prefer. You can use this time to relax—sit down, watch some videos, or have a cup of tea. The mask needs to stay on for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Final Steps

Before you remove the mask, we’re going to use the avocado stone to gently massage your face. Roll it all over your face and neck; it should feel revitalising and refreshing. The action of rolling the stone over your skin stimulates pressure points, helps with lymphatic drainage, increases blood circulation, and gives your complexion an invigorating workout.

Finally, wipe or rinse off the face mask with warm water and a soft cloth, or use a damp paper towel if that’s easier. Once your skin is cleaned, it will feel beautifully soft and glowing. CopyRetry

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